It Had To Be Said - On The Cross (Part 2) | Sermon Audio

PEACE CHURCH Season 25 Episode 20

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On Sunday, August 25, Pastor Ryan Kimmel concluded the "It Had To Be Said" sermon series with a message on Luke 23:39-43, focusing on Jesus' powerful words from the cross. As Jesus endured the agony of crucifixion, He promised paradise to the repentant thief, emphasizing the profound truth that because Christ endured the punishment of the cross, we can receive the paradise of heaven. Pastor Kimmel highlighted the stark contrast between the two criminals crucified alongside Jesus, illustrating that when confronted with Christ, we have the choice to either judge Him or judge ourselves, to reject Him or receive Him. The sermon underscored the infinite value of Christ's sacrifice, encouraging believers to accept His grace and live in response to the salvation He provides.

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